Where can schools get the School Registration Form for the competition? Registration form can be found @ www.isprieth.com
How do we register for All India Level Drawing Contest 2022?
Steps to be followed by the school before starting the registration process.
- School level contest coordinator must be selected and appointed by each school.
- Circular/Message regarding the contest must be sent to the parents.
- Interested students can register their names to the respective class teacher. Each student should pay the entry fee of Rs.100 for each contest.
- Class teachers should submit the name list and entry fees to the contest coordinator at the stipulated time given by the Principal.
- Contest coordinator should consolidate the name list category wise(Category A – Class II to Class V, Category B – Class VI to Class VIII & Category C – Class IX to Class XII)
Steps to be followed by the school for registration.
Step 1: Read all the instructions at www.isprieth.com
Step 2: Keep the participants list ready category wise in excel format (School name and address must be included in the file) The spelling of each student must be free from spelling mistake. The same name will be printed on the Merit/Participation Certificate.
Step 3: Pay the registration fee(Visit www.isprieth.com for payment options)
Step 4: Save a copy of the online payment transaction’s screenshot.
Step 5: Click the “School Registration Link” in our website www.isprieth.com and fill out the basic details about school, contact details of School, Principal & School Contest Coordinator; upload the participants list and screenshot of the online registration fee transaction.
What should the schools do after completing registration?
Schools which complete registration process will receive a SCHOOL CODE and attendance sheet format from Isprieth Academy. Schools are requested to mention the school code in all the correspondence (Letter, mail and telephonic conversation).
Schools can motivate the participants to prepare well for the contest.
What is the entry fee of All India Level Drawing Contest 2022?
A participation fee @ Rs.100/- per participant shall be collected by the school. The school shall retain Rs.20/- per entry towards the honorarium of the invigilator and other expenditures like photocopying and postal expenses, etc.
What are the important dates to be remembered?
Registration deadline: 25 November 2022 (Registration can be completed well in advance)
Date of Contest: 28 November 2022
Packing the entries and sending the parcel to Isprieth Academy – 28 November 2022.
If the contest date is not convenient for the school, kindly send a mail to us mentioning the convenient date. Convenient date will be finalised on mutual understanding with few terms and conditions.
Contact information: +91 9715333533 / +91 9790360777
How many categories are there in the contest?
There are three categories.
Category A – Class II to Class V
Category B – Class VI to Class VIII
Category C – Class IX to Class XII
Where is this contest conducted?
This contest is conducted in your school in the presence of your school contest coordinator and supporting teachers.
When should the schools conduct this competition?
Date of Contest: 28 November 2022
How should the school conduct this contest?
- Suitable hall / room must be allotted by the school to organise the contest.
- Reminder regarding the drawing contest must be sent to the participants on the previous day. Participants must be instructed to bring all required materials for the contest (Chart, brushes, water colours, pastels, pencils, etc.). Schools can make their own arrangement too. The painting should be done in A4 or A3 size chart paper.
- Contest coordinator and supporting teachers must organise the contest in the allotted hall / room on 28 November 2022 either in the morning or in the afternoon session. Supporting teachers should get sign from the participants in the attendance sheet sent by Isprieth Academy. Spelling of the each student’s name must be checked thoroughly.
- Paintings must be collected and handed over to the contest coordinator. Paintings must be arranged as per the student order mentioned in the attendance sheet and packed category wise in separate covers.
- Students should write their Name, Class & Section, Contact Number, E-mail id of the Student/Parent, Address & Phone Number of School and School Code at the backside of their entry.
Topic: E-waste
Date of Contest: 28 November 2022
Categories Allowed: Category A, B and C
Duration: 2 Hours
Paintings must be kept ready to be sent to Isprieth Academy on 28 November 2022.
What should we do after the contest is conducted?
Entries must be packed category wise with attendance sheet. Entries must be arranged as per the student order mentioned in the attendance sheet.
All these entries must be packed in a single cover/parcel. The parcel must be sent to Isprieth Academy on 28 November 2022.
When will the results of All India Level Drawing Contest 2022 be declared?
Result date will be announced in the last week of December 2022 immediately after we receive the entries from all the schools.